JDE Julian Date Converter Online v1.2

Convert Julian Date to Calendar Date
Above converted date output is in DD/MM/YYYY format
Convert Calendar Date to JDE Julian Date
Enter date in DD/MM/YYYY format

Convert Dates Offline on Android Phones

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Multiple JDE Julian Dates Converter
Enter Bulk JDE Dates / View Output
Enter Bulk Calendar Dates / View Output.
Supported Date Format is DD/MM/YYYY only.
Converting JDE Julian Date to DD/MM/YYYY Format In Excel
  1. Place your JDE Julian Dates in Column A
  2. Suppose your first date is in Cell A1 and let's say that it is 113338
  3. Now, in cell B1 (or wherever you want the desired output), paste the following formula :
  4. Copy it here
  5. Do NOT forget to replace the cell address, incase your cell is different than A1
  6. If there are multiple dates in the column, just drag the cell to fill the column corresondingly
  7. Please note that by default the dates will be in MM/DD/YYYY format.
  8. In this example, the result obtained was : 12/4/2013
  9. If you want the output in DD/MM/YYYY format, right click on the cell > Format Cells... > Number (Tab) > Date
  10. Select Location as "English (United Kingdom)" and double click the appropriate "Type"
Converting DD/MM/YYYY Format to JDE Julian Date In Excel
  1. Convert your date from DD/MM/YYYY format to MM/DD/YYYY format
  2. Place your Dates (any format, but it must be parsed as a date) in Column A
  3. Suppose your first date is in Cell B1 and let's say that it is 12/04/2013 (4th Dec 2013)
  4. Now, in cell C1 (or wherever you want the desired output), paste the following formula :
  5. Copy it here
  6. Do NOT forget to replace the cell address, incase your cell is different than B1
  7. If there are multiple dates in the column, just drag the cell to fill the column corresondingly
  8. In this example, the result obtained was : 113338