“Failed to start Excel” in JDE while Exporting to Excel in IE

Recently one of the users reported that he was encountering an error while using “Export to Excel” option in JDE thin client, in Internet Explorer. User did not face any problems while using the same feature in Google Chrome. There have been occurrences of this error while using Internet Explorer from Citrix as well.
“Failed to start Excel” can be caused due to various reasons. Find the list of causes and their solutions to fix this issue.
Causes & Solutions
- Excel is already running and has a document opened in edit mode. Save and close your excel files and then try to export.
- Make sure pop-ups are enabled, this will make sure that Excel can be opened by the browser, without any problem.
- Check if you can use the export to Excel option from another machine, if so, there might be a chance of your Windows user profile being corrupted. Recreate the profile to solve corrupt Windows user profile issue.
- Make sure activeX controls are installed properly.
- Add the web client URL to trusted sites in IE browser. Tools > Internet Options > Security Tab > Trusted Sites > Click on Sites > Add site URL.
- Do not enable protected mode in IE. Go to Tools > Internet Options > Security Tab. Make sure the checkbox next to Enable protected mode, is unchecked.
- Make sure ActiveX controls & plugins are enabled in Tools > Internet Options > Security Tab > Trusted Sites > Custom Level options.
One of the solutions mentioned above should most likely solve the problem. If you are still facing error or have found an additional solution, please comment below.
Hope this article helps you to fix “failed to start excel” error in JD Edwards Enterprise One web client while using Internet Explorer and/or other browsers.
I had this error and the detail indicated a permissions problem with the Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Config\machine.config file. I changed the permissions on that and it seems to have fixed the problem.
Great tips but I am still having this problem in Excel 13, and with 2 different user profiles. Since both of the profiles have the same error, would rebuilding the profiles be a waste of time? What else can I check?
Uncheck enable protected mode under the security tab in internet options. Restart IE. That worked for me.
In my opinion, and following this article (Doc ID 1621386.1), I think that it could dipend of the version.
I having that problem only with IE11 x64 and following what Oracle said I pass from “failed to start excel” to “and addon failed to start”… not bad 😀
here what I did:
C:\WINDOWS\system32>cd ..
C:\Windows>cd SysWOW64
C:\Windows\SysWOW64>copy c:\rigonif\jdeexpimpU.ocx .\
1 file(s) copied.
C:\Windows\SysWOW64>copy c:\rigonif\jdewebctlsU.ocx .\
1 file(s) copied.
C:\Windows\SysWOW64>regsvr32 c:\windows\SysWOW64\jdeexpimpU.ocx
C:\Windows\SysWOW64>regsvr32 c:\windows\SysWOW64\jdewebctlsU.ocx