Solution to Could not start web server error in JD Edwards

There was a fat client (terminal server) which produced this error in our implementation. I was told that it worked fine till few days earlier. Upon further research I came to know that original JDE 910 was uninstalled and a new folder was created for the new installation of JDE910. This had created a new folder named E910_2. The earlier one was named as E910_1.
Now whoever did the installation (wasn’t me) forgot to change the jde.ini file. This was the main reason of the web server not starting up. One of my best buddies Fanita Rodrigues (yeah a female CNC, and she’s the best female CNC, ok?!) pointed it out to me that it was due the jde.ini settings. We changed it and web client server started as expected.
So all you need to do is open your jde.ini located in C:\Windows folder
and edit the following line :
# executable for starting web server webserverstart=D:\E910_2\system\oc4j\startOC4J.bat
# executable for stopping web server webserverstop=D:\E910_2\system\oc4j\stopOC4J.bat
P.S. Make sure you change the path according to your installation directory.
Hope this tutorial was helpful.